So, I don't know how many days I've been on them, but what I do know is that I've got 9 days before I go back to the dr. Please pray that all will be healed when I go back? Just a rundown of the last week... Yesterday was the first time I had left the house since last Saturday. Cabin fever, anyone? The good news is I've gotten caught up on most of my scrapbooking, and God is using this time to teach me some pretty awesome things. Oh, and I've gotten to watch a lot of movies, but the middle one is the most important. That's about all I got... except this one thing from P: The boys are at their grandparents (praise God for my amazing in-laws! I love them so much!). Nonnie gave us a call today and said that Preston was watching tv last night and saw the new Hardee's turkey burger commercial... you know the one... with Miss Turkey... in a bikini? Anyway, after the commercial was over, P said something like this, "Tell Daddy I like girl burger underwear pants." Does it really start this early?